Mitch and I met in 2007 in New Brunswick Canada where we went to College. We got married in June 2009, and have lived in 3 different countries over our 7 years of marriage. We currently live in Central Upstate New York, where Mitch works as a pastor at a local church. In 2010 we served as missionaries in Haiti. We loved our time on the field, and would love to go back one day. Our time in Haiti warmed our hearts very much toward adoption. We finally brought our son, Emmanuel home in September 2015. As a couple we love taking walks, enjoying a good meal, having a meaningful conversation over a deep bowl of ice cream or frozen yogurt with all the toppings, reading and memorizing Scripture together, playing with our son and hearing his precious giggles, working out at the gym together, pulling out our instruments and making music, going to the beach on nice summer days, and grocery shopping. |
Who is mitch?Mitch is a multi-faceted human being. He's a pastor, photographer (check out his Photography page!), musician, tech whiz, husband, father, hunter, athlete, and Canadian. He's an extrovert... no, really... one of the most extroverted people I know besides my mom. He loves music, computers, cameras, adoption, teenagers, fatherhood, food, exercise, and Jesus... though not necessarily in that order. Mitch has one brother who is in the Canadian Air Force. His parents live in New Brunswick Canada, so we don't get to spend as much time with them as we would like. However, we have to be thankful for technological advances like FaceTime, which allows us to see them every Sunday afternoon.
EmmanuelEmmanuel, or "Manny" is our sweet happy boy. We brought him home straight from the hospital in September 2015. Being present for his birth was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life (read about it here). He has a very strong, selfless, and brave birth-mother... Mitch and I couldn't be more grateful to God for her. Emmanuel loves running around, laughing, zippers, opening drawers, playing on the drums, making animal sounds, eating with a fork and spoon, bubble baths, mimicking mommy and daddy, SnapChat (haha, I know!!!), reading books, playing with his toys, music, his Bible, and when daddy comes home.
TheophilusAnd we can't forget Theo! Theo is our cat. He is exactly one year older than Emmanuel. He is a lynx-point siamese, and sheds very little. I am allergic to most cats, but for some reason, I can bury my face in Theo and it doesn't bother me at all. He is a very friendly cat... sometimes overly friendly and invasive, actually. He's very vocal and purrs SO loudly! He sleeps on our bed most nights and loves constant attention. Theo loves Manny, despite his occasional lapses of jealousy. But, overall, he's very good and gentle with the baby.