Our Cat:
We have had Theo since he was 8 weeks old. He is one year older than our son. Theo is a Lynx-Point Siamese. We were attracted to his breed mainly for their affectionate personalities. He sleeps on the bed with us and loves to be snuggled. He is a 20lb extrovert. I (Char) am generally allergic to cats, but his breed rarely sheds and doesn't aggravate most people's allergies.
When we first brought Emmanuel home, we were nervous at how Theo would respond. After the short season of jealousy passed, he grew to love the baby. We are amazed at how gentle he is with children, especially Emmanuel. And Emmanuel loves his "kitty".
When we first brought Emmanuel home, we were nervous at how Theo would respond. After the short season of jealousy passed, he grew to love the baby. We are amazed at how gentle he is with children, especially Emmanuel. And Emmanuel loves his "kitty".