More About MitchWhat Char Has to say...I’ll start off by stating that Mitch is a multi-faceted human being. He is not just one thing... he is so many. He's a pastor, photographer, musician, tech whiz, husband, father, athlete, and Canadian. He's one of the most extroverted people I know. He loves music, computers, photography, adoption, teenagers, fatherhood, food, exercise, and Jesus (though not necessarily in that order). If he doesn’t know something, he learns it. He has saved us huge amounts of money by learning new things about fixing cars. He is such a handy-man.
Mitch loves meeting new people. Striking up conversations with complete strangers is not uncommon when out and about with my husband. He definitely forces me out of my shell. I always joke that his life motto is something like, “It’s a new day! Let’s make it an adventure and meet new people along the way!”
Mitch is a very gentle person. He tells me he used to have a very difficult time controlling his anger when he was younger. I find that hard to believe, because I've always known him to be a very joy-filled, even-tempered person. He is a true testimony of how The Lord can change a person's heart. I have often said, “When you first meet Mitch, you automatically think, ‘Wow! This guy is so nice! Such a kind and genuine human being!’... then you get to know him... and you realize its all true.”
Mitch is a very gentle person. He tells me he used to have a very difficult time controlling his anger when he was younger. I find that hard to believe, because I've always known him to be a very joy-filled, even-tempered person. He is a true testimony of how The Lord can change a person's heart. I have often said, “When you first meet Mitch, you automatically think, ‘Wow! This guy is so nice! Such a kind and genuine human being!’... then you get to know him... and you realize its all true.”
Watching Mitch become a father to Emmanuel has been a true joy. You would never believe that the word "adoption" once caused anxiety in him. His transition into fatherhood has been so smooth and so natural. Our son adores his daddy, and loves his father-son dates. I think Emmanuel's favorite time of day is when Mitch gets home. Because that is when the wresting and sword fighting begins at high-speed!
Mitch loves to play! Whenever we get together with friends, there seems to develop a game of “catch Pastor Mitch,” where every child chases after him to get tossed, wrestled with, carried, tickled.... you name it. He is the center of the party in a group of kids. My mom friends have even requested that he come along on play dates, stating that their children see him as the “cool dad” or “fun dad.”
Mitch loves to play! Whenever we get together with friends, there seems to develop a game of “catch Pastor Mitch,” where every child chases after him to get tossed, wrestled with, carried, tickled.... you name it. He is the center of the party in a group of kids. My mom friends have even requested that he come along on play dates, stating that their children see him as the “cool dad” or “fun dad.”
Mitch is a hard-worker. As a young person, his parents instilled in him the disciplines of self-motivation, working hard, and integrity. These are traits he hopes to instill in our children also. Over the years I have seen him push past the bent to procrastinate in order to reach his goals. When working toward something of great value, he is very dedicated and will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. He is a team-player and works well with others. He is a fantastic and respected leader.
Mitch is also very valued and admired by all the members he serves at our church.