This plan divides the Bible up into 7 categories: Gospels, Law, History, Psalm, Wisdom, Prophetical, and Epistles. One category for each day of the week. So, every Sunday you read from the Gospels, every Monday you read from the Law, and so forth. Please check out this plan! (Also, Ligonier ministries has a great list of other reading plans.) I am 5 weeks in and I love this schedule! We may be into February, but it is NOT too late to make daily reading a part of your routine! This is a week by week plan, meaning, the readings are scheduled as "week 1, week 2, etc" not "January 27, January 28, etc.". Which means, you can start any day of the year! And remember, the idea isn't for you to "get through the Bible"... the idea is to "get the Bible through you."
So, I know a lot of people who have entered the New Year with the goal of reading their Bible cover-to-cover throughout the course of the year. It's a great thing to do every year, and an awesome goal to set. Some people go with the One Year Bible plan with each date laid out with scheduled reading (usually a combination of Old Testament, New Testament, Psalm and/or Proverb each day). I have gone through the One Year Bible many years, and it is a good way organize your daily reading. I have also read from Genesis to Revelation, each day divided into equal segments of reading. This is a great plan if you set to do it every year because you begin to associate certain times of the year with certain passages of Scripture. For instance, every summer you are working through the wisdom books and the prophets, every spring you are in the Historical books, and every year around the beginning of October, you enter the New Testament for the remainder of the year. There is also the plan to read the Bible in chronological order. I have not done this yet, but I am thinking I might be interested in it for my 2018 reading plan. In December Mitch and I were discussing if we wanted to go with a new reading plan... change things up a bit. We are sticking with our Genesis-Revelation plan with our family scripture reading in the evening. (Well, technically we are doing a 1 Chronicles-2 Kings reading plan, but anyway...). Mitch was researching and found a great reading plan than neither of us had executed before. He decided to go with it and I tried to find a different one... just for the sake of being different, but I REALLY liked the one that he found, so I just had to give in and do it too. We aren't working through this plan together, necessarily... this is something we are both doing in our own personal devotional time. This is a very unique reading plan. Seriously, if you are a person who has set out to read though the Bible in a year but give up when you get to all the long day after day genealogies, this is a great plan for you!
This plan divides the Bible up into 7 categories: Gospels, Law, History, Psalm, Wisdom, Prophetical, and Epistles. One category for each day of the week. So, every Sunday you read from the Gospels, every Monday you read from the Law, and so forth. Please check out this plan! (Also, Ligonier ministries has a great list of other reading plans.) I am 5 weeks in and I love this schedule! We may be into February, but it is NOT too late to make daily reading a part of your routine! This is a week by week plan, meaning, the readings are scheduled as "week 1, week 2, etc" not "January 27, January 28, etc.". Which means, you can start any day of the year! And remember, the idea isn't for you to "get through the Bible"... the idea is to "get the Bible through you."
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Char BlackThank you for taking the time to check out my page and read little bits about the story The Lord is continually writing for me. I started this page to give myself the opportunity to share with you the things I am most passionate about: Faith, adoption, parenting, health, fitness, art, family, and crazy life experiences. Archives
June 2019