I've had many people ask me to share my story. People who know my story have thought more should know. Other's, who do not know any details, or very few details, are curious. So, over the next 80 days, I'm going to be doing a series of blog posts sharing the whole story from the beginning. (The 80 day goal was not met... bear with me--edited March 2017) This is a story that I cannot tell in one post. It just wouldn't do justice to the story God has written for us and for our son. I don't think that I could do justice to it in multiple posts over 80 days either, but I will try...
If you know anything about me, you may know me to be a deep feeler and a deep thinker. Things affect me more strongly than they may affect another person. I used to think of this as a "negative" side to my personality...until I saw that it really was a beautiful quality in others, though often misunderstood. I may feel deeper sorrows, yes, but I also feel great joys and overwhelming thankfulness.
Some posts over this 80 days may me more narrative, while others may feel more like you're looking into private thoughts of the heart. I have no real structure in mind, but I will try and go in order best I can. This will be difficult for me...this is a story I have not shared with many...it's very close to my heart and still has a great affect on me. God has healed me in many ways, but there remain mended wounds that still become sensitive from time to time. The fact that I am stepping out on this 80 day journey is a testimony to God's restoration and grace in my life.
I pray that as you take the time to read each post, that you really read it. Don't just skim through quickly... Think of those in your life who may be facing something similar. Take the time to pray for the children waiting to be adopted and the families waiting to adopt. Pray for the couple or couples you know who may be struggling with infertility. Take time to be sensitive. Open your heart to thoughts you may never have considered before.
Also, remember this is a true story, it's not just an entertainment piece...it's my story. God wrote it originally, and He continues to write it, I'm just recording it for you share in.